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Tutti Arts – OzAsia Fest – Shedding Light

Adelaide, September 2015

Tutti Arts Shedding Light Trentino 4

Shedding Light evolved into quite the mega project, being the biggest undertaken by Tutti Arts, across both performing and visual arts, executed in partnership with OzAsia Festival, as an exchange with Perspektif, a sister company from Jogjakarta, Indonesia and presented outdoors, at the mercy of the elements and engaging with a massive spectrum of general public demographics. It was also one of the biggest contributions that I have made towards larger projects, being involved in the design and execution of many mechanical elements and managing their use across each night of performance.

Tutti Arts Shedding Light Trentino 9

The primary elements of the outcome were a series of Sepeda Lampus (illuminated bicycles) and a suite of Kaki Limas (food carts) that were inspired by similar things in Indonesia. You can check out a few of the reference points here. The Kaki Limas became interpreted as sites for presentation and engagement with visual arts whilst the Sepeda Lampus become vehicles used as a component of a performance outcome. Specifically, the Sepeda Lampus were constructed with a bench seat so that they could be ridden by a Tutti artist, together a support person, in order to carry a guest on a journey. Along this journey the Sepeda Lampus stopped at a particular point so that guests could view a one on one performance delivered by Tutti and Perspektif performing artists. The performance cycles took about 15 minutes each and provided participants with an energetic, immersive and intimate exchange.

Tutti Sepeda Lampus Final Mid res

Further to these components there were installations and live drawing performances developed together with Laura Wills, Henry Jock Walker and the Sisters of Invention. There were so many great people who contributed to making this project the success that it was. The images below tell just some of the story. Professional shots courtesy of Sam Roberts Photography and Trentino Priori.