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The Hole in the Wall Gang

A collaboration with Frank Gohier
Odradek/AEAF, Adelaide, August 2013

The Hole in the Wall Gang – A collaboration between James Dodd and Franck Gohier. from James Dodd on Vimeo.

Franck and James have known one another for more than a decade and have worked together on a number of projects. Dodd has made regular trips to Darwin and the Top End during this time, all the time investigating nuances of the local graffiti culture. Inherent to this subculture are stories and mythologies associated with gangs and the idea of gangs. This work looks at a particular story of Franck’s that revolves around a particular gang and includes several elements that expand upon the inherent nature of Darwin. Dodd and Gohier have collaborated to realise an outcome that becomes a simple retelling of a story in a form indicative of their shared aesthetics.