>I will be sharing some artwork soon via a couple of exhibitions. Some of the work is old, some of it recent and some of it hot off the press! If you’re in Melbourne or Adelaide you can see some work in the flesh…
RMIT Gallery, Melbourne
Opens Thu 1st of September, until 5th of November
Curated by the National Gallery of Australia, Space Invaders presents a collection of examples of early stencils, stickers and zines representative of the developing stages of Australia’s fine street art culture. Having been presented in Canberra and Brisbane, the exhibition continues its tour in Melbourne.
Lindberg Contemporary, Melbourne
Opens Fri 2nd of September, until 1st of October
This solo exhibition is my second with Lindberg Contemporary. The work that I have produced represents a return to stencil driven outcomes. Encompassing experiments that link the work to ongoing investigations, the show consists of a number of installed and painted works executed over the last 6 months. Shots will be online here after the show has opened.
Hugo Michell Gallery, Adelaide
Opens Thu 15th of September, until 20th October
I will be presenting a suite of works completed last year during my residency at Fremantle Art Centre. I am quite excited to give the works their first showing outside of W.A. Paul Sloan and Matthys Gerber will also be exhibiting in this show.