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During September and October I will be spending a number of weeks working in Bordertown, in the South East of South Australia. I will be conducting a number of workshops with students at the Bordertown High School, leading towards a couple of murals painted in the school and a larger mural in the town itself.

The project has been initiated by Country Arts SA and involves a number of artists working with a range of community groups in the town, resulting in diverse outcomes. An overarching theme running through the programs is a pursuit of conversations around the idea of borders, more generally. The larger project, as a whole will be summarized in a publication inviting writers to respond to the ideas and outcomes generated.

An exhibition of Ben Quilty artworks will be presented at Bordertown’s Walkway Gallery in October and November as part of this.

Ongoing posts and updates specific to This is a Border (Town) can be viewed at the Country Arts SA’s – ‘The Dirt’…